Not for anything, but I'm the author of this blog
It’s come to my attention that a bot that goes by the name “Fexo” has been claiming authorship of some of my written works, and — if the rumors are to be believed — has also been writing a novel under my name, which I’m not sure which is worse. This is simply a little note, here at the outset, to assure the readers of Poets & Suicides (a coterie that may soon number as many as ten or twelve) that at no point will this earnest endeavor toward Truth be waylaid or corrupted by the mechanized forces that have long assailed the beautiful and (yes, I’ll say it) sacred human drama for no purpose other than the cynical commitment to toaster sales (speaking metaphorically).
So yes, this is the eponymous author, taking control of Poets & Suicides from this point of entry, this howling cave-mouth of Truth, and screaming from its cold and gusty aperture, I am in here.